Promote a quality of life that maximises potential, choice and independence for people with a brain injury, along with their families / whanau.
What we provide
The Brain Injury Association Northland Incorporated (BIAN) programmes and services provided around Brain injury include:
Supportive Services: the provision of information, support, advice, case management and referral to other services as needed, to enable individuals living with the ‘invisible injury’ to be supported and understood to give them quality of life. This includes advocacy work and assistance with WINZ, ACC Hospitals, Medical documentation, personal support and providing clarity while working through other circumstances.
One on One Visiting Services: We visit individuals who live remotely, have little or no transport, need help with documents or conversations, act as advocates for WINZ and ACC meetings. Our liaison staff provide our vulnerable clients with much needed support and understanding.
Support Group Meetings: We provide monthly support group meetings where we have speakers/workshops targeted at improving health and wellbeing of the people who attend. These are free meetings offering support, time to share, seek advice and information. A shared morning tea is provided for all in attendance. These are held in Kaitaia, Kerikeri, Dargaville and Whangarei on Thursday mornings, monthly.
Education Programmes: A key role of Brain Injury Association is education, and we are involved in the RYDA road safety education programme in schools and the Northland Referees Association in concussion education. We are also out and about educating businesses, large organisations, Government Departments, Community groups and family/whanau about ‘What is Brain Injury?’, ‘What is this invisible injury?’ and ‘How do we support individuals with Brain injury?

A big THANK YOU to our valued supporters.
We greatly appreciate the support of our community funders and local businesses for their contributions to our organisation. Thank you once again and we look forward to working with you in the future.